incidence of diabetes

incidence of diabetesincidence of diabetes
  1. At present , the incidence of diabetes is increasing gradually all over the world .


  2. Census data shows the incidence of diabetes is about 1.01 percent in population .


  3. Many factors , including genetic elements and lifestyle are involved in the incidence of diabetes .


  4. The relationship between obesity and incidence of diabetes mellitus


  5. Immune injury in the incidence of diabetes in which the role of the development process more and more attracted much attention .


  6. With the rising incidence of diabetes , diabetic cardiomyopathy which is the serious complications of diabetes also will increase .


  7. Protein-tyrosine-phosphatase is not related to the incidence of diabetes in NOD mice .


  8. The only positive result was a weak , albeit statistically significant , reduction in the incidence of diabetes with valsartan .


  9. The incidence of diabetes mellitus is increasing year after year . Now diabetes mellitus is the third disease following cardiopathy and cancer .


  10. The results of this study indicate that the incidence of diabetes and complications are related to Qi and Yin Deficiency and Blood Stasis .


  11. Diabetic foot is a major complication of diabetes , with increasing incidence of diabetes , the incidence of diabetic foot is also increased .


  12. Effects of oral administration of insulin and glutamic acid decarboxylase on the incidence of diabetes mellitus in non-obese diabetic mice


  13. With the development of economy and the aging population , the incidence of diabetes , a kind of endocrine and metabolic disease has been increasing .


  14. With the increase of incidence of diabetes , the scientists from different countries in the world have been actively searching after an effective method to treat diabetes .


  15. At present , the incidence of diabetes increasing year by year , has become the world following the tumor , cardiovascular disease after the third serious chronic diseases .


  16. With the development of human society , obesity , lack of exercise , aging problem is getting worse , which will greatly enhance the incidence of diabetes .


  17. Because of the rapid increase in the incidence of diabetes worldwide , the relationship between alcohol intake and the risk of diabetes has been noticed widely .


  18. Conclusion Application of acarbose in the intervening treatment of IGT subjects can reduce the incidence of diabetes and without increase the secretion of insulin .


  19. The incidence of diabetes mellitus induced erectile dysfunction ( DMED ) is 20 % ~ 75 % .


  20. At 30 weeks old , the incidence of diabetes of the control group was 80 % ( 20 / 25 ), and the average time was ( 139.2 ± 38.2 ) days ;


  21. Results : The incidence of diabetes was 2.33 % , and percentage of abnormal fasting glucose was 7.10 % , the older was , the higher was .


  22. The incidence of diabetes has increased year by year in the world , which has been classified as the third major disease after Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and tumors .


  23. Recently , the study about risk factors of pancreatic diseases has been attracted importance to scientists , because the incidence of diabetes and the cancer of pancreas are increasing .


  24. Background : In recent years , the incidence of diabetes mellitus is increasing rapidly all over the world , and cardiovascular complications have become the main cause of death in diabetic patients .


  25. Animal experiments showed that when the rats suffered type 2 diabetes , IL-10 significantly reduced . While after the injection of IL-10 expression plasmid , the incidence of diabetes reduced .


  26. It is developed technically for the patients with glucose tolerance low and at risk of diabetes ; it can effectively prevent diabetes , reduce the incidence of diabetes , and promote rehabilitation .


  27. The finding that valsartan failed to have an effect on either of the cardiovascular-disease outcomes but had a positive effect on the incidence of diabetes is surprising .


  28. The incidence of diabetes in the 1,25 ( OH ) 2 D3 group was much less than that in the STZ group ( 8 and 10 rats , P < 0.05 ) .


  29. Objective To study the effects of oral bifidobacterium on the incidence of diabetes and insulitis in female NOD mice , and changes of Fas / FasL expression in islets .


  30. With the development of social and economic , the increasing tendency of incidence of diabetes becomes more and more obvious in recent decades . Diabetes has become a global public health problem in 21st century now .
